Re: POLL: Scales, Magic Paths, and Dominion
For *most builds* Order is the most powerful scale, but there are other circumstances where Turmoil+Fortune (or even just Turmoil) is viable.
There is no single scale that is least important - it varies from nation to nation tremendously. I generally take a lot of Sloth, but that reflects my nation preferences, there are a lot of nations for which Productivity is very useful.
Water is the most powerful blessing for most sacreds, but there are notable exceptions that don't care or would rather have other blessings.
"Death Curse" is a joke, but I think +4 strength is usually better than the increased affliction chance and death weapons, on actual combat units. On spellcasters, totally different story.
Astral pwns u.
I think Blood on pretenders is greatly underrated, especially since the poll question allows us to include the minor blessing (+2 str, not at all shabby) in our consideration.
Dom 3 or 4 works fine against CPU but other players will tend to recognize your weakness and capitalize on it. It's a moot point since even on a dom1 chasis, dom 5 is not that expensive.
I generally use an Oracle, Cyclops, Prince of Death or Wyrm.
If you read his speech at Rice, all his arguments for going to the moon work equally well as arguments for blowing up the moon, sending cloned dinosaurs into space, or constructing a towering *****-shaped obelisk on Mars. --Randall Munroe