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Old September 28th, 2007, 10:19 PM

Frostmourne27 Frostmourne27 is offline
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Default Re: Orania Nasty Edition - Combining Era in a MAP

Gandalf Parker said:

They didnt leave any space at the end of each age to add new nations. And you definetly would not want them to renumber each time a nation is added. That would mess up alot of maps and mods. And probably their own in-game menus also.

Alright, it's is now playable - not perfect, but decent enough for me to distribute. If there is feedback, I'll make changes and add a few things. I'm tentatively planning on adding start spells, if and when they're fixed (they don't seem to work beyond the first turn right now) and putting Helheim on the map somewhere, maybe with a forced f9w9 computer god, to add another crazy strong race to play against. Ermorian territory, atm, is neutral and has nice sites, but if you can beat the armies I put there, I think it's a just reward.

File is attached. Comments, especially on bugs/balance would be appreciated.

Edit: NOW it's attached. Stupid forum. I have zipped it, since it wouldn't let me upload it as is. If you can't unzip it, try winRAR, although I can't imagine not being able to - it's a simple .zip archive.
Attached Files
File Type: zip 552792-orania nasty dom 3 (9.9 KB, 81 views)
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