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Old September 29th, 2007, 04:47 AM
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Default Re: Oohh My! I\'ve Created a Monster!!!

> No, you can't kill him.

Pfff... In one of the other threads, there is a build that can kill him on turn
one without breaking a sweat. It's called Tartarian killer, or something, but
that setup will work just as well against your Dai-Oni.

(It's actually called "Setting up an Ettin?")

Nothing, and I do mean NOTHING, no matter how empowered, wished for, or pimped
out, can survive a dedicated teleport squad scripted to kill it. You need
support even for the best SC.

Your fabled Dai-Oni would die, for example, to a bunch of naked Seraphs scripted
to attack monster, orb lightning (x4). He may kill two on his first turn, and
after that will never wake up.
No good deed goes unpunished...
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