Re: Oohh My! I\'ve Created a Monster!!!
Actually, I've been quite impressed with Dai Oni + rainbow bless- which you can get out really early. And with few sacreds, its a lot more practical than two high blesses.
Air (20% doesn't sound like much, but it helps)
Earth (2 reinvig helps)
Fire (2 attack isn't really necessary, but...)
Water (2 defense helps)
Nature (5% regen)
Death (not that strong, but could combine with spells or fire shield, or blade wind)
Astral (magic resist on a banishable unit? What's not to like)
Blood (+2 strength? Sorry, not worth it. Though blood magic has a nice demon strength buffing spell. Does it stack with strength of giants? I hope so.)
So.. with fire magic's indirect bonus, you're already at twenty attack.
So, with water 4, air 4, nature 4, astral 4, earth 4, you've got the key components for an early monster. Not unstoppable, but powerful much earlier than those counters are available. Taking defense from 12 to 14 is quite significant. And once you replace the Heavy Samurai Armor (def -3), you're especially hard to touch. A simple black steel (light version, not full plate) increases defense by an additional two, and decreases encumbrance by two. Etc, etcetera. But this thread is for real monsters, not early thugs.