I have also been working on a mod of the typical Empire and Rebel troops (Stormtroopers, even AT-ATs, etc). I am still nowhere near done on this one though (it only has a few units from the Empire so far). I think massive Jedi/Sith armies fills a gap in the SW realm. Anyway, I still agree with you on standard forces, and I do eventually plan on creating a total SW mod, which would be force guys (reduced #s) anlong side of huge regular armies.
But, I had start somewhere; plus at least Jedi and Sith use "swords", which Dom3 has the proper sounds and sprites for. It is hard to make ranged units with blasters and lasers because Dom3 does not have such sounds or sprites (except the lightning ones) that make sense. I have found the bane fire arrows, regular arrows, fire javelin, and lightning bolt make the best resemblence to lasers and blasters, so those are what I will use. It is very sad we can not mod our own new sounds and sprites, as it would not be too difficult I think. Anyway, the point is we will need to sacrifice some realism to go into a full blown SW army.
Thanks for your feedback; as I said, I do agree with you, but I just love Jedi, so they got priority. A mod like the one you speak of is in my future plans; definitely some clones too!