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Old September 30th, 2007, 12:49 PM

Ubercat Ubercat is offline
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Default Re: MA C\'Tis, Let me get this straight.....

Jazzepi said:
I don't think it's that bad. I'm recruiting enchantresses in a current game, and using rings of regen to keep them alive.

Miasma provides a +1% bonus to income per level of domininon, it *should* have a drawback.

Actually, I think that's a 1% penalty per point of dominion to income for you, 5% penalty per dom point for your enemies (with lands under your dominion.) Bottom line, ME C'Tis dominion damages it's own income, but hurts it's enemies worse.

That's what the book says IIRC and it seemed to be confirmed in my test game in that I still seemed to have some slight money problems despite using order 3.
"You're never more vulnerable than when you have both hands wrapped around your opponents throat." -Ubercat

"I'm not convinced that faith can move mountains, but I've seen what it can do to skyscrapers." -William H. Gascoyne
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