Re: MA I missing something?
Sphinx imprisoned,dom 6 e9 s9 n4
Order 0
sloth 1
cold 3
growth 3
drain 2
Before you bash drain 2, you get 80 points plus a bonus to your mr for a measly -1 research. I took the 2 drain in Alpaca with Pangaea and ended up winning even though i was dead last in research the entire game.
You have to pick your poison. Plus I traded for skull mentors in alpaca and feathers to get my research up high enough to get the basic spells i felt i needed for battles.
The bonus to mr is well worth it when you are facing astral races. I like growth for the income longterm. If you are worried about survival in short term, you may want to scrap the 3 growth and take production, higher starting dom(more sacreds per turn), maybe a bigger regen bless.
"War is an art and as such is not susceptible of explanation by fixed formula."
- General George Patton Jr.