Thread: Help! Again...
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Old October 3rd, 2007, 01:03 AM
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Default Re: Help! Again...

Lord_Vader said:

I was doing absolutely amazing (for the first time!) in a single-player game in Dominions 3 Demo. I sent my pretender to the Death Match arena, and he got killed, simply because I had forgot to erase some previous battle orders which basically meant he practically commited suicide. I believed I could simply load the saved game and continue from there, before I had entered the death match.

Is there ANY way whatsoever, even if, yes, it would count as cheating (although there isn't really such thing as cheating in a single-player game), that I could somehow change that last move? If not, well... *sobs again.

I know you CAN continue without your pretender, but really, he was absolutely amazing. He only got killed 'cause of my forgetting.
Don't worry. Dominions 3 is not excatly short of "amazing" units. Try summoning some elemental royalty (conjuration 8) and equipping those guys out. I assure, you'll forget that your god ever excisted.
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