Thread: ick! Earthquake
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Old October 3rd, 2007, 10:06 AM

LDiCesare LDiCesare is offline
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Default Re: ick! Earthquake

8 damage is actually 8 + d6 (open ended ) - ( half of the armor + d6 (open ended) )
So with the open ended rollsyou can get 344 damage if you're unlucky. I'm not sure whether there is an armor roll if you have 0 armor, though.
On a large army with armors along 10-12, you can expect damage of 2-3 on average with many taking 0 damage and many takind 5,6 or even more. So this can be devastating with several casters.
Spells like protection/barkskin/ironskin and such should help a bit if you can cast them prior to your opponent.
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