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Old October 4th, 2007, 02:12 PM

K K is offline
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Default Re: MA I missing something?

I've been testing out MA Atlantis and I have to say that a Bless strategy is not the wisest choice. With their very high encumberance(8) and gold and resources costs, they die far too easily for the investment.

Your best unit is the War Shambler.

Go for a Lich Research god (Min of Nature 4, Death 4, Earth 4, Air 4, Astral 4, Fire 1) and get your Water 5 Mages (Water 7 with basic equipment, and 8 with an elemental Staff and 9 with a clam-forged Ring of Wiz) to work dropping Falling Frosts on guys.

Make Consorts into thugs (Frost Brands and some kind of Water or Earth or Fire armor), Mothers into early-game smiters, and use your huge Water income to summon mages like Kolyikthads(sp?) and clam.
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