Hi all. It's been a little while since I joined the forums, so I figured it was about time to introduce myself. Didn't mean to be unfriendly, I just wasn't sure if I'd stay.
Well, I love the community, and I love the game, so I think I'm here for a while.
I have yet to play any MP.... well, I've played 2 turns of one game just now

so I'm obviously still learning. I'm hoping to start a team game for new players soon - send me a PM if you are interested.
Despite my ignorance I've given a few stabs at maps.
http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/threads/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=554567&page=0&view=collap sed&sb=5&o=&fpart=all
and I hope to do more. I'm taking suggestions.
Anyhow, just wanted to say hi, this forum and community rocks, and I'm looking forward to hopefully not being a total dom3 fool some day.