Re: RE: massive collaborative mod
Must admit, I think about this all the time. The only thing that's kept me from doing it already is the fear that in the process of mashing various mods together I would have the few remaining secrets in those mods spoiled for me.
EDIT: Well, that and time. I've got a lot on my plate right now.
As for the Star Trek / Bab 5 / etc stuff, I wouldn't mind seeing it in the mix, even without any visual changes. In fact, a green enterprise stretched 20% wider is just a green enterprise stretched 20% wider. You'd still see the enterprise when you look at it. I don't think you'd be able to fool yourself.
That said, maybe two super/uber/mashed mods are in order.
You could do one that only adds things that feel like they take place in the default Weird Worlds setting, nothing taken directly from other settings, and no fried green enterprises, either.
Then a second mod could be made that includes all the Bab 5 races, the Enterprise and Defiant, the starship Yamamoto, the cat guy from Red Dwarf, the Star-bellied sneech, etc.
That way you can choose whether to play ultimate expanded Weird Worlds, or to play crazy mish-mash post-modern reference-packed copyright-infringing ultimate expanded Weird Worlds.
EDIT: It's a lot more work to do two versions, though.
One of the nice benefits of making a supermod like this is that over-powered ships existing in certain mods would feel less broken if they showed up as occassional allies/quests instead of being player starting ship choices.
EDIT: No disrespect intended to anyone. Overpowered ships are fun from time to time.
There are some logistical issues. The game has maximums and limits. A quick tour through the documents will show how many quests, races, events, ships, etc, you can have in the game, and with all the mod content out their, I don't know how close we've come to those limits as an aggregate total.
And, of course, there's the downside of if there's something you detest about a particular mod, there's always the chance of it showing up in the supermod. That may be countered by the fact that everything will show up less often since there's far more for it to randomly generate, so the element you dislike only shows up every 5th (or 20th) game.
Hmm... that might solve some of the combo issues of the game, actually, because the more degenerate items of the main game will show up a lot less often.
Anyhow, I'm all for the concept, but have too many mod ideas of my own to find the time to mash everything together.
That said, for the benefit of whoever does do this:
I freely grant permission to use any of my code or images from Sgqwonkian Crisis, Drives'R'Us and Teeming With Life in a super-mod project.
Please include me in your credits or readme file if you do utilize any of that. Thanks!