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Old October 9th, 2007, 01:18 PM

sgqwonkian sgqwonkian is offline
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Default Re: RE: massive collaborative mod

There are some decision that would need to be made before someone could start on such a project. There's a lot to think about, but it sure could turn out cool.

Here's a few questions I think you'd need to answer before starting on a super-mod, or else you'd end up making a lot of extra work for yourself half-way in...

1) What player starting ships to use? The original 3? New ships from mods? Terran vessels only? Multiple races?

2) For races to which multiple mods have added new vessels (urluquai, zorg, etc), how often should each mod-based enemy ship show up in their fleets?
Do you make mixed fleets or themed fleets?
Is each fleet entry from a single mod, or do you mix them?
Do you swap out old ships for new ones in the fleet lists, or generate entirely new lists to evenly distribute mod content across the difficulties?

3) For systems that only appear on specific ships in mods: should they be set to generate randomly in the supermod, or only become available by having that ship in your flotilla?

4) Does everything go in? What, if anything, should be changed? If something in a mod is deemed to be overpowered/unbalanced, should it be:
or kept as-is?

5) Since you have a much larger quest pool to draw from, do you increase the number of quests per game, or keep the default numbers?
Do you do the same for allies? Enemy races?
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