October 10th, 2007, 02:46 PM
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Re: Casual PBEM (looking for players)
RicoRico said:
I've had word from Pythium that he would play his turn, but that was last week... still waiting for his turn.
I'm thinking:
How about we all get a bit more sloppy, and play some nice big, perhaps even suicidal battles? just for fun?
I am almost ready to cede to Abysia, as I don't think he can be stopped anymore, but not without a few bloody battles to wipe out my armies lose the items I've been saving up for ;-)
Is any of the other players still thinking they can win? (if so, please join the Abysia front to get a taste of what you're up against ;-) )
Even if we're going to call this game done, I'd love to at least see the last turn hosted, so I can see the results of my ventures this turn!