Re: Air bless: useless?
Not useless. Not great either.
I can see the lv9 air bless being useful for a nation like Man. They get national troops capiable of orb lit and with a little buffing, lit bolt. B/c they rely so heavily on archers your not going to want to cast storm. You haev alot of crazy low precision mages casting lit stuff and your poor sacreds get hit. They also get hit by your longbowmen and the enemies archers. they don't have sheilds. And you save fatigue and time by not having to cast airsheild.
IMHO lv9 air bless synergizes perfectly with Man, and lv8 is useful for any nation with sacreds w/o sheilds.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!