Re: A Cunning Plan: Trample
I am not really intrested too much of units stats and all details, but on a broad perpective from what I can see is most trample units having immense problems at other fronts.
C'tis monster toads, elephants, trogdolytes and such all are not all that good at really attacking enough to be noteworthy at all. They all are rather pathetic on protection and attack skills if I recall right or not.
So on a gamebalancing side of it, if tramplers as troops would be easily counterable with something as simple as with spearunits via reach they would become totally useless.
Even now only problem people have to deal with tramplers are suggestions to avoid rushing to melee with them, use magic. Use ranged weapon options or simple smash them up with a big strong and singular supercombatant. I personally DO enjoy the trouble warelephants bring to my C'tis armies and send my monster toads to cripple them, even if they die.