Re: Air bless: useless?
Imprisoned - points remaining - no scales, dom8
Cyclops E9: +160
Titan E9 A2: +82
Cyclops E9A6: -50
Titan E9A6: +2
What can I get with your better scales? I've already got order 2 and productivity 3. Certainly, 160 points could go into luck and magic or growth but... Having death is part of my defensive strategy. Any normal nation coming into my territory is going to have a 60% supply hit. Going above magic one gives me that horrid MR penalty. It wouldn't be so horrid except R'lyeh is in the same game. As well, most of my mages are NOT good enough to make any tactical advantage of this. I'd seriously considered taking drain because of R'lyeh, but decided it would make me completely dependent on Skull Mentors and I couldn't depend on the necessary gem income.
As an experiment- I'm going to try my same expansion with earth nine cyclops, dom.8, order 3, prod 3, cold 2, growth 0, luck 0, and Magic 1.
That said, has anybody tried my example?
Even placed all the way at the back, crossbowmen can hit my Tungalik. Without the leader surviving, my strategy falls apart.
As well, with task forces of size 16, attrition is fairly high taking on a forty infantry and crossbowmen. Two deaths are 12% of my force, and each death increases my loss rate. I just can't maintain the momentum of my rapid expansion. With the air bless, I can attack province after province without pausing for reinforcements.
Repeating myself, I'm not buying the air magic just for the bless...
To share some rationale- not all - you have to keep in mind Atlantis' poor precision, and lack of archers.
About a quarter of my Angakok have 1 air, or 1 earth. Wind Guide, Arrow Fend, and Mist are A2/A3/A3, but all one hundred fatigue. With one Winged Helmet I can cast any of those spells. 1 gem to to boost my path to 3, and 1 to cover the cost.