Re: Air bless: useless?
Test continued.
That task force had a Pyrrhic victory in the fifth province. Leaving only 5 units left alive (including commander).
Another task force has made it through five provinces with 13 survivors. I'll see how far they continue.
Anyways, I have six air, or 40% airshield. It's not really fifty percent, but I'll say so anyways for simplicity's sake.
One Tungalik has 12 hitpoints, the Arssartut 16. As my formation puts the Tungalik a few squares behind, but still close enough to make the third bless without moving, he's not a prime target for the enemy, more like for stray fire. Meaty enough to take one arrow without problems. But unlike other mages, there's no way to cast stoneskin or mirror image or body ethereal, or other protective spells. Best I get is Quicken Self- useless for ranged.
Taking half as many arrows for someone who needs only get hit twice is a big deal- especially when there is no 'fire rear' command and they're not big enough to be a target. As an aside, the protection bless helps here as well, but not well enough on its own. Bringing me from 5/8 to 9/12. With the protection bonus, that many other mage-priests cannot get, I can last even longer, being able to take two hits and keep on going, albeit damaged.
In the meanwhile, my Arssartuts still suffer from attrition, but at a significantly lower rate. There's a big difference between stopping at the third province and making it through five or more, non-stop. My bless isn't awesome enough to prevent casualties. That's one reason I'm sending out forces every other turn, despite some tests where 8 took out five times their number. I plan for loss in exchange for momentum and research. At half the ranged casualties, I can fight twice as many battles before my capabilities are compromised.
I'm not saying that Air is an awesome bless, worth taking only for its own sake. But it can make a big difference as part of your strategy.
Update: My second task force has made it through NINE provinces- and still has seven members, one commander left. The last fight involved 1 commander, 8 troops taking on 43 woodsmen (blowpipe, archers). And I suffered only one casulty.