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Old October 13th, 2007, 01:31 AM
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Default Re: A Cunning Plan: Trample

Lyzra : You are essentially correct.

While Trample was not usually a dangerous weapon in and of itself, it was a powerful tactical weapon, a potent "crowd control" device that made disrupted formations easy pickings for the follow up troops.

That is to say that it worked in large numbers and with supporting troops for mopup duties.

In some ways, I feel Trample is the opposite of Repel in that the unit can actively force the enemy to miss their action, while Repel does that when the enemy tries to close.

Unfortunately, the current Dom3 rules make Trample far more lethal than Repel, and this is usually balanced by restricting the number of units that can trample.

But why complicate matters with a seperate mechanic (Trample), when you could pretty much use the same mechanic for both (Reach/Repel and Size/Trample forcing Morale Checks or lose action)?

Verrrry interesting...
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