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Old October 13th, 2007, 01:58 PM

Fate Fate is offline
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Default Re: A Cunning Plan: Trample

This is a fun thread to read. I like the real-world analysis. There are two Dominions vs real-world problems I have noticed, however.

@Autochthon. Any unit being able to trample is interesting, though it raises many balance issues. First, units that have trample use it automatically, which is annoying if they had a better attack/spell available.
In terms of logic, size doesn't necessarily mean trample ability. Caelum has size 3 units, but they don't look heavy enough to trample Hoburgs. There are more examples, such as Niefelheim's size 4 mage. Should they be able to trample ulm's infantry?

@Cleveland. You have some very valid points. Unfortunately, I don't think they can be easily transposed to Dominions, because there is no calculation for velocity (AP's are the closest). If there were a good velocity calculation (like an adaptation of the charge mechanic), I would support the addition of velocity to trample damage.
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