Thread: Fomoria
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Old October 14th, 2007, 05:13 PM
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Default Re: Fomorian Goat Herders

The Unmarked are elite/sacred units and commanders, and the druids also come from the same unmarked clans. They are sacred and free from afflictions.

The goat-headed Fomorians come in many varieties, and also with armor.

Militia: Fomorian Bronze Spear
Javelinist: Fomorian Bronze Spear, Javelin, Bronze Scale Cuirass
Spearman: Fomorian Bronze Spear, Bronze Scale Cuirass, Spear

Warrior and Unmarked: Fomorian Bronze Spear, Bronze Scale Hauberk, Bronze Cap, Shield

15/17 prot for mapmove 2 units isn't bad at all, and NOT weak against archers! They're a bit expensive at 30 gp/warrior, but all Fomoria's units have at least mapmove 2 so you can always give them some Fir Bolg companions.
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