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Old October 15th, 2007, 08:05 AM

Xietor Xietor is offline
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Default Re: Big files...

Part of LA Ulm's problem was 3 mis. It seemed he lost provinces to bad events the entire game. I know many take mis. but i have yet to take even 1 mis in a mp game. And In alpaca i actually took 3 luck-though my interests would have been better served with 3 growth. But it all worked out.

LA Ulm was also played by a new player, but was shielded by me(he was between me and the northern zone border) for much of the game. So he was able to survive long into the game without being at war with anyone. His only other border was pangaea to the east.

Strategically it would have been smart for me to annex Ulm,
but we were friends. And I never kill friends while enemies still draw breath(glares lanka).
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