ttomm46 said:
thank you..it's getting ordered..Hope at 61 I'm not to dumb to figure it out..lol
Gamers are a tougher lot than the normal run of humanity, so nothing to worry about.
There are many advocates for mental gymnastics for maintaining your faculties. But I had to laugh at a TV commercial I saw the other evening; some middle aged adult was playing a hand held game requiring him to choose between a "plus" sign, "minus" sign, etc as a technique to maintain his sharpness as he aged. Obviously an attempt to seperate the butter knives of the world from their money.
One bit of advice for you. This game does not play like Civ. It has many superficial similarities to Civ, but if you try to play it like Civ, you will get your butt kicked. I did.
Of course, that is how you will learn to play the game.