October 15th, 2007, 10:42 PM
Second Lieutenant
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Re: Trying to build super-hero, but he dies too ea
Cor2 said:
Sounds like
1) Obsidian Armor gives very very low defence (but great protection)
2) you attacked independants that get extra attacks, meaning that basically every attack hit.
my advise: Add a pendent of luck, lucky coin sheild, or lucky (the sword). and most importantly, get rid of that mudane helmet and give him a wraith crown. The combination of ethereal and lucky should not be underestimated.
Also synergize your hero's magic with his equipment. If you have earth 2 you don't need heavy armor, have him cast summon earth power > invonerablilty >then attack. If you have astral you can cast body ethereal and personal luck so you can use those extra item slots for other stuff. almost every path has some spell good for buffing SCs. even mossbody is fun.
The ideal SC for me would be a seraph with the mage bane, aegis, crown of Amon Hotep,bone armor, boots of driud guy, the Ark , and Krupps bracers.
That would be impossible to do in am MP game, and if you managed you have already won.
No you have not  . A few life for a life will kill the seraph easily. Or simply infernal prison and he is gone for many turns. When he is out, just throw him in again.