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Old October 16th, 2007, 09:21 AM
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Default Re: Hall of Fame Promotions

Thanks Endoperez. That's it. I got Heroic Stupidity, it was the first time I ever saw it.

I was oblivious to its good points. A mundane commander got "awarded" Heroic Stupidity and the major benefit (sic) I was aware of was the reduction in his command skills. IIRC his command skills dropped 75%. After his promotion he wasn't even useable as a ferry leader. IIRC there also would have been a reduction in magic skills if he was a user.

It is pretty cool to have a low probability promotion that isn't real beneficial. I think it is a reflection of real life when people get promoted above their skill set. (Those of us toiling away in the corporate universe are VERY familiar with that and surely wish it was also a low probability event.)

I think Heroic Obesity is an okay promotion, it is fairly common.

Anyway, I am still wondering if anyone has compiled a list of all heroic attributes available for the HOF.
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