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Old October 16th, 2007, 02:10 PM

Aezeal Aezeal is offline
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Default Re: Official sellers

Yeah I must say that the price I payed for my current.. apperantly illegal copy was.. well low I admit.

But the price they ask for this game really IS a bit overpriced. I'm probably nearly as fond of this game as all the die-hards who have played this game all episodes but really: the graphics suck.. I admit this game doesn't NEED better graphics and Í'm not missing them OR askingn for them but if a good game with good graphics (I'm taking oblivion as a sample) costs less than this game then IMHO a good game with sucky graphics just should cost less.

And edi this thread is just about the price, the message I send you is what you probably want to monitor but KO himself has gotten the same message so he knows. (he was less strict than you in his reply though.) the fact I'm asking for this games prices should indicate my good intend though.
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