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Old October 17th, 2007, 11:14 AM

Loren Loren is offline
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Default Re: 3.10 SP AI using domes?

NTJedi said:
Tichy said:
Why is that hard for the AI? I think I get why battle AI in games like this is so difficult to code well, but adding a step in the AI turn process that matches available path boosters with mages that can use them seems like it should be simple. What am I not getting?
From stories I've heard the coding of AI is one of the toughest pieces when developing a game. Placing magic item boosters with the correct mages would be a strong AI improvement, but since Illwinter only has one of two developers which manages this task it's unlikely we'll see a change. Probably the most important AI improvement would be telling the AI not to send its pretender to the death_match arena. Its so painful watching 50% of AI opponents have their pretenders killed on day_22 because they all sent them to the death_match arena.

From my experience with other games the battle AI for Dominions is above average considering the large variety of spells and actions available with Illwinter having only two developers.
While I do agree that writing good AI's is incredibly hard there are some things that would be easy to code. Boosters should only go on a mage that can cast that path. Anyone else that finds themselves with a booster should take it off at the first opportunity.
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