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Old October 17th, 2007, 12:26 PM

CUnknown CUnknown is offline
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Default Re: Invisible Swarm 2 - recruiting

So far, we've got:

me: Jotunheim
archaeolept: Ermor
Jurri: Bandar Log
WraithLord: Marignon
DryaUnda: T'ien Ch'i
Cicadian: Pythium
Sandman: Arcosephale
Meglobob: Abysia
IndyPendant: R'yleh
Jeffr: Pangea

Jurri: yeah, we could do Lonely Mermaid. I sort of like the long and thin map I made though, I think it will make for early conflict, but not so much conflict that people are crammed in and triple-teamed. And, I like the ability to travel long distances (like teleporting) as being valuable, but I don't like huge maps. So a long, skinny map seems to make sense.

Does anyone have a preference on which map they like better? It seems like the options are: Lonely Mermaid, Pasha's 3 lake map, Desert Eye, or a random map.

WraithLord: I suppose we could use the full cb mod if people want. It's just that I hate the 65 gold indy commander and Dwarven Hammers costing 25 thing. We will wait and see what the new version of the cb mod looks like before deciding.

Does anyone know how to do that "scoredump" thing? Maybe we can play with score graphs off and do the scoredump every 10 turns to give an update on how people are doing without showing -all- the info all the time.
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