Thread: Mod Insectoids
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Old October 17th, 2007, 02:07 PM

NiknudStunod NiknudStunod is offline
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Default Re: New Mod: Insectoids

Bringing this thread back from the dead......

I have been playing around with this nation for the last several days and I honestly feel it is much to strong compared to all other early era nations.

The ability to expand and to do it quickly means you can start laying the foundation of a high dominion very early. This nation relies on dominion and only dominion. The fact you don't need to put any money into troop build up means lots and lots of temples. Even if you were to start at 1 dominion for your hive queen you would have no problem increasing that to 5-8 in under 100 turns.

Now the creator says to set it to 1 death at the start of the game. Now here is where we hit the double edged sword.
1 death is honestly not enough. I found myself with almost 10,000 gold almost 40 turns in. This was with me making a lab and a temple in each province I took over as well boosting the local defense of each province up to 20. Now if I do what the creator does and boost it up to 3 death I pretty much am setting up a death warrant for every other nation I am going up against. Being a nation that relies on its dominion I will have a easy time taking over the empty provinces vacated of population. To top it off since it costs me nothing to produce massive amount of troops I can simply turtle it with high defense and taking over the weak points.

Local defense is the last thing I want to touch upon. There are 2 reasons why I think local defense should be disabled with this nation. The first is with money being as plentiful as it is for this nation it isn't hard to have almost no weak points. As soon as you take a province you can boost the defense to 30-40 then work on getting a lab and temple up. The second thing is the troops used are much to powerful. It wasn't uncommon for a local defense of 30 to hold off a invading army of 60-70 and almost completely wiping them out.

I had some fun playing this nation but with what I see as imbalance I really can't see myself playing it much in the future.
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