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Old October 17th, 2007, 05:05 PM

silhouette silhouette is offline
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Default Re: You have been playing to much dominons when...

Ok, I know I have fallen into a trap. The devious history teachers plot has come to fuition, and now I am forced to spend time searching historical info. to compare with the origin legends for heros and sites from Dominions. Today I'm surfing/reading about Nemrut Dag, and the history of the Kommagene kingdom ( and I read this:
The Legend of the White People

It is remarkable that simular to the Manifestation of the Great Gods in Kommagenian times, the local people have worshipped the manifestation of the so-called white people.
On a hot summers evening of July 1987, an old woman named Firat from the village of Eski Kâhta, told me following :

"Long ago, before the Prophet , there was a group of soldiers on their way to the town of Malatya. They were passing through the Taurus mountain range. At sunset they wearied. They had very little food. One of the soldiers saw in the distance a light. They went towards the light and came upon a house. The house was inhabited by an old man with white hair together with his daughter and a boy. The soldiers were given food.

After they had finished their meal they saw to their astonishment that there was as much food left as when they began. They did not understand this. They left the house and reached the town of Malatya without any further events. On their return from Malatya they decided to visit the house again. They refound the house and received hospitality again. The commander of the soldiers took a fancy to the daughter of the old man. After the meal, the commander then asked the old man for the hand of his daughter in marriage. The old man did not want, but he was afraid that the soldiers would take his daughter by force. That's why he granted the request and the soldiers left with his daughter.

When they arrived at Eski Kâhta, at the same place where the holy house now stands , the girl asked them to stop for a moment. She descended into the dry streambed of a water course. She passed her hand lightly over the dry soil and magically a spring of water bubbled up. That spring still exists. She drank the water and washed herself. Then she asked the earth to open and bury her. Before the soldiers knew what was happening, the earth opened and she disappeared. Since that time it is a holy place and the people built a house on her grave. The girl, together with some friends appeared after some time to the people at this place and at three other places in the region. In spring at Eski Kâhta, in summer on a mountain nearby Malatya, in autumn at Gerger and in winter somewhere in the Taurus mountain range. At Eski Kâhta, the annual appearance took place at the holy house ."

The old woman said that when she was a child, each wednesday and friday in spring, the villagers gathered at the end of the day in front of the holy house. They lit candles in the holy house and prayed. After sunset the people had to return to their houses. Nobody should disturb the girl and her friends who came at night to pray in the holy house.
Only a few people were allowed to stay. The old woman told me that her parents have witnessed the appearance of the girl and her friends. She said that they were smaller than normal people and had white hair.
What comes immediately to mind? Those of you whos minds are poisoned like me are thinking of a special magic site. I load up Edi's database, only to find this province seems to be missing all it's effects. So I have to create a test game with the site, just so I can satisfy my curiosity.

"White Man Hill
- provides 100 Supply
- creates 1 Nature gem/turn
- increases Growth"

Note to Edi: database needs this site info
Note to self: find a new hobby

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