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Old October 18th, 2007, 12:47 PM

EricM EricM is offline
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Default Game Mechanics - Protection

On page 75 of the manual it says:

Protection roll: defender's protection attribute at hit location + DRN + (shield protection

It's the "at hit location" that interests me. This implies that the protection value shown on the unit status screen is some kind of average.

Does anyone know the exact formula used to calculate the protection of a unit? Just playing with numbers it looks like the formula is something like

finalprot = baseprot + 3/4 body armor + 1/4 helmet

I can infer from this that head attacks occurs about 25% of the time. Are there any weapons/spells that target the head rather than the body?

What happens with multi headed units?

If anyone has the underlying formulas I'd be very interested.
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