Re: Incentives to patch the game?
Well, I must say that I can't really share the "omg it looks sooo baaaaad and the gui suuucks" sentiment of some people who have it on D3 because I used to be a huge fan of Dominions 1. ;p
Now THERE'S a game that had the most counter-intuitive GUI and the ugliest graphics I had seen in a long, long while. And it was still awesome. There's just a few things I miss from D1... And they're the lack of crazy bless effects, 100% resistances for elemental magics and the map's graphics changing when you had high growth/death and populace growing/diminishing in a province (a forest-y province turned into a wasteland and so on, it was awesome), and how hot/cold provinces really started to show that they were hot/cold... I guess it would've been impossible to do with the new map system that was introduced in D2, but still, that was awesome.
But GUI-wise and graphically, Dominions 3 is godlike compared to Dominions 1. Sure, it's no Dawn of War, but you can't make new units and mod other stuff too as easily in DoW than you can here! ANd you know, I did try playing Dominions 1 just to check some old things but it was so awkward to play and the lack of research pool started to irk me really fast - and the size of the map which shows at any given time was so small too that it just wasn't fun.