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Old October 19th, 2007, 02:05 AM
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Default Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

The DarkOne said:
Demonbred's have become old.
They used to get old at 500 the new ones at 240. This results in about half of them starting with oldage.
Makes research even harder than it used to be, especially early on.
Not sure if this is a bug but i assume so.
That's a bug. It stems from the way Dominions 3 autocalculates maxage based on certain factors. Undead have a base maxage of 500, demons 1000 and inanimate units 2400 (mixed units, as in being more than one type at the same time) may have something or other, I've not checked priorities. It seems that demonbreds should have a hardcoded maxage to remove this problem. Will be added.

Beren, I'll add those as well.
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