Endoperez said:
Jourdeloune, why would you like Dominions 4 to have spesifically great 3d graphics instead of great graphics, leaving the choice of 2d/3d to the developers? The latest Shrapnel Games' FRAG! newsletter (not available online, but I can provide the particular article if you're interested) discussed the necessity of 3d.
In Fantasy General, in battle, you could "possess" unit to do battle!
I know the PBEM status, but the option to have active battle on/off switch is not a problem. ( look at Age of Wonders implementations )
Giving the possibility to take control of a UNIT to do any thing you like in the combat... 3D help terribly. With 3D you got first person / isometric view / top down view without redrawing every sprites you got.
The script then play it, should give new breath to the genre. In that regard, script it and play it give some RTS combat a new feel to the game. A lot of people have bought Total War for the RTS feel of battle and TBS feel of strategic development.
The combat engine could permit it, without redesigning it a lot. (simply adding the "possess" command on a unit choices (commander only or every unit possible).
Now, you can do something new... and less boring! Give unit moves or combo, or a lot of abilities that require skills and timing to be more efficient.

(developing a new game in the old one -> Edi

3D help to for the zoom in and zoom out model. While zooming in, you can see pretty cities and fort and so on, while zooming out we can have our old school strategic map has well.
Dominions got a nice engine (i don't know the code behind it, if it is OO (oriented object) with design pattern, it is simply easy to bring new features) you can add something new for the infinity.
I had played 2 years of Birthright : Gorgon Alliance. It was a blast. A kind of RTS tactical... (yeah it could be possible) with a nice 3D (false 3d, doom like) that give the possibilities to your heroes to do quest and dungeon crawling to get unique artifact.
That was really fun to change of pace of the game... TBS can be boring if they are always the same, night over nights... So, a 2 hours dungeon crawling for the sake of your Kingdom is even better...
And 3D... guess what... unfortunately, the gaming world sell on good looking game.