Re: Incentives to patch the game?
All ideas don't work. I could go into more detail about most of yours, but that doesn't benefit anyone.
1) Player-controlled battles would make multiplayer, except perhaps 1vs1, impossible. If it was a game option, we'd have two entirely different games that couldn't both be balanced. As an example, anything with good range and good precision could be used to kill 2-3 enemy commanders, and BAM you win. White Centaur with its bow and incredible speed, any S3 mage with Mind Burn, commander with flying and 5 flying bodyguards...
2) The graphical detail is in the map image. It doesn't change with seasons, between games, etc. For there to be anything to zoom at, the game would have to use maps that incorporate magic sites, forts, army sizes, events, pillaging, seasons and all that into the map itself. That would be nice, but would mean that maps would need predefined sprites/models, and as such would need a spesific editor, which would make mapmaking harder. (Yes, it would. Illwinter editors are hard to use, and map editors of other games can be used to make Dominions maps. Just add white dots!)
It would be nice to have Dominions with unique, movie-quality 3d models and maps, down to the little C'tissian running lizards moving the tax carts and the immigrants between the massive pine forests of the Jotunlands slowly being turned into mangrove swamps by the Miasma dominion. The battles would look awesome. I doubt Dominions will ever be there, though, and I know it'd make modding almost impossible. How could you add a Vaetti Archer if you'd have to create, texture and rig a 3d model? At the moment, anyone can change the 4-pixel spear into a 4-pixel bow. It won't look good, but it will work.