Lyzra said:
I admit that the C'tis nation descriptions been bit flawed for while.
Aside from that I suppose the whole idea of removing all slave force from the nation in late ages is none of my business, instead there is the change in magic paths available. There is the racial summons for the undead priesthood, which is quite handy in bringing in undeadtroops by focusing in they jobs to bring the people out of the tombs.
Quite disturbing that only national heroes have nature paths for good depth, where the nation is also plagued by the old ages of the magicians. Unlike other ages, where at least nature has kept the mages long living.
We'll they death 3 right out of the recruitment screen. Death magic decreases the chance to become Diseased from Old Age, so they're actually quite survivalable. I played LA C'tis to year 5 in MP and only lost one Sauromancer to disease.
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