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Old October 20th, 2007, 08:20 AM

EricM EricM is offline
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Default Re: Game Mechanics - Protection

I think there is more to protection than just head and body. I've been examining a hexdump of the executable and have found some interesting stuff in the armor section.

Full Chain Mail has a protection of 17.
Plate Hauberk also has a prot of 17.

But if you think about this historically, a Hauberk protects the torso much better than it protects the arms and legs. Full chain mail would protect the torso, arms and legs equally. Also, plate mail protects the torso better than chain mail protects the torso.

Examining the data we have these fields:

Full chain mail 17 17 17
Plate Hauberk 20 14 14

These numbers make sense if we interpret the first field as the torso protection, and the second fields as arm / leg protection.

I've examined all the armor in the game and the formula seems to be

avg protection = (f1 * 2 + f2 + f3) / 4

Where f1, f2, f3 are the three fields indicated in the above examples. This is consistent across all the armor.

Now if the game engine makes use of this data it means that all armor of the same protection is not actually the same.
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