Meglobob said:
Fotune tellers stop bad events but let good events through, so with misfortune 3 it still gives you good events.
I'm watching this closely since I'm interested, and I'm not sure you addressed what he said. (Either that, or you are dismissing it because he's wrong; I can't tell.) It looks like he made a good point that the fortune tellers only protect you in the province you have them in. This means in your example, you'd have to have 10 fortune tellers in
every single province you own to avoid the misfortune! That's not free!

Meglobob said:
Once you have a large enough kingdom you pretty much get 3 events per turn anyway
I don't understand. Are you saying here that even with 3 Misfortune, this is approximately how many good events you normally get, per turn? That's how I read that.
=$= Big J Money =$=