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Old October 21st, 2007, 11:17 AM
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Default Re: Fortune Teller and stacking?

BigJMoney said:
Meglobob said:
Fotune tellers stop bad events but let good events through, so with misfortune 3 it still gives you good events.

I'm watching this closely since I'm interested, and I'm not sure you addressed what he said. (Either that, or you are dismissing it because he's wrong; I can't tell.) It looks like he made a good point that the fortune tellers only protect you in the province you have them in. This means in your example, you'd have to have 10 fortune tellers in every single province you own to avoid the misfortune! That's not free! .
Fortune tellers do only protect you in the province there in, having your capital 100% immune to bad events, yet still getting any good events and getting the added income from order 3 seems like a terrific deal to me.

Chris is correct, your dominion will spread into neighbouring provinces and then normal rules apply, you will have the normal effects of order 3 misfortune 3. Obviously, you are only going to ever have 10 fortune tellers at your capital, researching, with the added bonus of protection from bad events.

Other centres of power you have, you can protect with 1 or 2 fortune tellers, they have S1 or S2 so its not too hard to teleport them around. Each 1 looks to have a 10% chance of stopping a bad event.

Meglobob said:
Once you have a large enough kingdom you pretty much get 3 events per turn anyway

I don't understand. Are you saying here that even with 3 Misfortune, this is approximately how many good events you normally get, per turn? That's how I read that.

=$= Big J Money =$=


The cap on events is 3, good or bad, barring unusual occurances, take luck 3 or anything inbetween to misfortune 3 you will get random events. When your kingdom reachs a certain size, you will have 3 random events good or bad each turn, no matter what. Fortune tellers just shuffle the deck in your favour. Remember luck 3 still gives quite a number of bad events anyway.

Sombre said:
I think you're missing that the bad event is only prevented if it happens in the province that the FT is in, Meglobob. So in your 20+ province empire, unless you have 10 FTs in every province (which isn't possible, really) you're going to get bad events. They're more cap protection than anything else and while that's nice, it's nothing to build a strategy around.
Who said anything about building a strategy around?

Its just a great bonus and part of a overall strategy of having order 3 misfortune 3 scales for example when playing LA Ulm.
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