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Old October 22nd, 2007, 09:19 AM

void void is offline
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Default Re: Why are S&A CM\'s still old...?

Humakty said:
TC has a good army in Middle era, wih a very complete OB, and they have a great magical diversity.
Old age is their only drawback, even if due to their magic picks they have a crippled middle game.
As for their old age, they reached their position studying all their life , that's why they are old.
I would like my marignon mages to have greater magical potential, due to the fact they are old too, and not half as good in magic than the mages of TC.

"S&A" means Spring and Autumn. It's the early age TC. They practiced Internal Alchemy but the Thousand Years Ginseng is yet under development - tho Kissblade might just consider TYG another junk (80% cost compare to IA and only 1/3 effective).
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