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Old October 22nd, 2007, 11:34 AM
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Default Re: OT: Tool for sniping over at ebay

shinigami said:
Bull. Sniping is an accepted part of life on Ebay.
Murder and thievery are "accepted parts of life" too. But just like Ebay, society has created methods for trying to deal with them in a preventative manner. If sniping auctions was a good thing, every auction site known to man wouldn't have invested time and money in developing anti-sniping features (extending auction time if a bid is placed within the last 5 minutes, the auto-bid feature on Ebay where it will place incrementally raising bids for you up to a set limit when you are out bid, etc.).

Can a moderator please delete the shady links that were posted? Its like posting links to sites detailing how to create trojans and spam bot networks... not a good thing for polite society.
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