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Old October 22nd, 2007, 05:29 PM
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Default Re: Stardock selling dominions

S.R. Krol said:
Jumping back to the EB Games/Gamestop discussion I was curious about something. Here in Atlanta today there was news of a Gamestop robbed at gunpoint with the manager being killed in the robbery. Now, this seems to happen quite a bit here in Atlanta (and by Atlanta, I'm talking the low-crime, upscale 'burbs and not inside the perimeter). Gamestops are robbed on a fairly regular basis, enough that it seems like working at one is a lot like working the midnight shift at a gas station. What I don't get is why?

Do they have that much cash? I would expect most transactions would be by credit card. You always hear people referring to them as pawn shops, but with that I assumed that they just give you store credit for used games, not actual cash. Anyone have any insight as why they are such lucrative targets for armed robbery?
Maybe the kiddies buying console games usually pay in cash?
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