Re: New Spell Effect #s - Brainstorming
You know what game has the coolest names for stuff? Shadowfist.
Glimpse of the Abyss - This needs a spell effect # to pull from random event pools (like the void gate or maybe the adventure cities).
Modding random event pools would be nice but the random pool from Void Gate would do.
Veiling of the Light - In addition to enchantment codes that cast random spells, this would need an effect that simulates negative preaching/heresy, which those enchantment codes could then use.
Idea is, you spend a bunch of blood slaves to extinguish the light of hope in the human heart ('cause, you know, you're evil!), which has the effect of reducing dominion in every province of the world a LOT, but you have blood sacrifice, so you can stay ahead of the game much more easily.
Curtain of Fullness - A lingering province enchantment that prevents *good* events in the target province. Alternatively, prevents good events in every province you DON'T own, maybe with a dominion effect.
Demon Entrails - Actually, I think I can do this one. It sends the Duodenum of Yang Luo to assassinate people.
Spirit Frenzy - All magic beings in your dominion become berserkers?
The Hungry - Global enchantment, automatically does something with corpses in friendly dominion - maybe animates them, maybe turns them to death gems?
Could be simulated with the customizable enchnantments, depending on what it did might not need a new effect #.
The Molten Heart - Global enchantment. Steadily kills all astral mages in the world, stronger mages die faster. When it kills mages, makes you fire and earth gems.
This would need its own enchantment #, I think.
The Obsidian Eye - Actually I guess this should be an artifact. Plunges the battlefield into darkness, lets you see in the dark.
Paradox - Instant. Nukes *all* magical beings in friendly dominion, friend and foe.
Would need a hit-all-in-my-dominion effect, and then a #spec field to restrict it to magical beings.
If you read his speech at Rice, all his arguments for going to the moon work equally well as arguments for blowing up the moon, sending cloned dinosaurs into space, or constructing a towering *****-shaped obelisk on Mars. --Randall Munroe