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Old October 24th, 2007, 01:46 AM
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Default Re: A few questions/concerns

HoneyBadger said:
So the moose jumped through the window? and then everyone fled in panic...seems like a reasonable reason for panic.

Was that a 1st floor window? or was the moose wearing a cape?
There was some mention of a jet pack, but I advise waiting until the investigation is concluded.

Are the Indians planning to arm the tiger-riding monkeys?
If so, are we talking small calibre rifles, or uzis and rocket launchers?
There have been some debate about giving them single-shot Explosively Formed Penetrators to allow the gov't. some deniability, but the Indians are reconsidering that due to Iranian EFPs still falling into the hands of the Coalition forces en route to use in Iraq.

What kind of military/industrial base does the smaller monkey opposition have access to? And are they to be considered terrorists or freedom fighters?
I prefer to use the ideologically-neutral terms, "insurgent" or "guerilla" (gorillaz? /rimshot) myself.

Great taste AND less filling!

And do they possess armored rhino technology to counter the giant snake weapons?
A waste of money, IMHO. It's been a well-established fact that the only creature than can defeat a genetically-engineered python is another genentically-engineer python.
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Pinky: I think so, Brain, but then it'd be Snow White and the Seven Samurai...
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