Hello, my name is Howard and Im a 24 year old American from Florida. I work part time at a movie theatre (just cause, hey, free movies) and most of my income comes from Tutoring mentally handicap individuals in various Basic Life Activities.
Anyway, thats boring stuff. I love strategic gaming even if Im not so good at it. I saw reviews for this game back in march sometime, looked around in my local game store to see if they had it, then realized I'd have to order it online. I hate ordering things online so I forgot all about it.
Recently got a little email from Stardock offering me 20% off and since I really wanted to play this game I decided I might as well order it. Ordered it Saturday, got an email it shipped this morning...so hopefully it will be here by saturday if not earlier. ERG WAITING SUCKS! Oh well.
Anyway, hope to soon be able to play with you all in MP or at least desperately seek advice on the forums for my ineptness