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Old October 25th, 2007, 01:06 PM

Sombre Sombre is offline
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Default Re: Conceptual Balance Mod (and summary file) 1.

Urk. I just noticed some old CB 1.1 values for the summons I talked about, so let me address them first.

Celestial Servant was actually reduced to 1 / 1 in CB 1.1. If given +1 att/def I think it's probably better at 3 / 5 than the 3 / 8 I suggested. But maybe I'm still overcosting them, hahah.

Heavenly Fires was already at 3 / 8 in cb, much as I suggested - with improved ranged attack this is fine imo.

Call Celestial Soldiers was actually at 5 / 8 in cb 1.1 which is even more of a discount than I was suggesting. If they get an extra hoof attack 3 / 10 would be fine though. 3 / 8 with the extra hoof might be real strong, which in itself is not a bad thing.

Ambush of Tigers, Pack of Wolves and Sloth of Bears were all discounted fairly heavily in CB 1.1, but not as much as I'm suggesting. I think early nature summons need more love, I really do. Especially these national animal ones.

Speaking of animal summons, let me address,...


Summon Jaguar Toad - 1 / 1 - RL1, N1 - A Size 3 trampler that basically sucks. Currently att 7 def 6, prec 5. I suggest att 9 def 8, prec 9 (the spit is its natural hunting weapon after all). AP from 6 to 12 - Toads really aren't terribly slow creatures and that still isn't fast. I'd prefer it at 4 / 3 cost. Give toads some love!

Summon Jaguars - 17 / 25 - RL3, N2 - Jaguars are basically identical to Tigers and Great Lions, but are sacred. To avoid making the Great Lion spell completely pointless for Mictlan, I suggest 3 / 3, which is cheap but requires mage time. It still works nicely with a bless.

Summon Jade Serpent - 1 / 5 - RL4, W2 - Hey, this new summon is pretty cool. It's amphibious, has standard 10 and a really nice bite. I'd suggest 12 AP instead of 10, size 5 instead of 6 (compare it with hydra), def 11 instead of 9. The fact that it has 15 mr is a bit puzzling, most animals have 5. If you feel generous it could be 1 / 4.

Summon Monster Toad - 1 / 2 - RL5, N2 - I quite like the cost, but this guy needs to be better. Should have at least 12 AP, att 9, def 8 like his little brother. I believe this summon is also used by Ctis, who are at least giving toads and snakes some love (possibly literally, if their influence on Serpent Cult is anything to go by).

Contact Couatl - 1 / 40 - RL6, N1S1 - S3N3H2 flying mage, which is pretty solid. Obviously MA Mict isn't going to be summoning them up, though if they do they have no gold cost (#525). I'm going to go with my gut here and say that tempting EA and LA mict to actually use these guys instead of going hardcore blood would be quite good for variety and they /are/ snakes, so perhaps a discount to 1 / 30 or 35?

Summon Tlaloque - 1 / 60 - RL7, W4 - Powerful unique demons. I don't feel comfortable suggesting any price/stats change here. Guess if people use them, they don't need a change. If not, they do ;]

Bind Beast Bats - 3 / 8 - RL2, B1 - They were moved to 3 / 10 in cb, but I think 3 / 8 is fair. They are normally passed over for Ozelotls anyway.

Bind Jaguar Fiends - 3 / 13 - RL4, B1F1 - These were moved to 3 / 18 in cb 1.1. They're pretty nuts, so that seems fair.

Contact Civateteo - 1 / 25 - RL5, B2D2 - Mini-vampire ladies. They're B1D1H2 and are stealthy, but aren't assassins or spies or anything. Nice leaders though, of normal and undead. The problem of course is that recruitable Mictlan mages don't have B2D2, so a discount seems fair. 1 / 18 given that you might have to wait for an onaqui to summon them.

Bind Tzitzimitl - 1 / 10 - RL6, B2S2 - More sacred demon goodness, but these guys probably don't get much love because of the Ozelotl summon. I'd like to see them at 1 / 8 or 3 / 25 perhaps.

Contact Tlahuelpuchi - 1 / 25 - RL6, B2 - Sort of an upgraded Civateteo. They can assassinate and in animal shape are very stealthy (+25). Unlike the Civateteo they only require B2 so the cost seems,... ok. Are people using them?

Contact Onaqui - 1 / 101 - RL7, B4 - This seems very expensive, but then again it's very good. I'm going to leave this one to the experts :]

Rain of Jaguars - 14+ / 40 - RL8, B6F2 - No comment here. I don't want to touch the summon X+ spells.

As you can see my knowledge of Mictlan isn't awesome, especially when it comes to their blood stuff. I hope this is in some way helpful all the same :]
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