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Old October 27th, 2007, 08:21 AM
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Meglobob Meglobob is offline
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Default Re: Looking for tips from the pros

Considering you were surrounded and attacked on all sides you did not do too bad.

Alot of AI's were declaring war on you. This is probably because you have a low army graph compared to them. The AI's are bullies they all gang up on what they view as the weakest nation and a small army equals a weak nation to them. You could have spammed loads of slaves to make yourself look stronger. They would then have hopefully picked on someone else and you could strike well they are busy.

Consider investing in a thug or 2 as well, to try to hold your lines.

Use mercenaries more when your troops are over stretched.

View blood hunting/blood magic as more of a end of game winning tactic, it takes alot of time to pay off.

Avoid overreacting to invasions, ie...pulling your troops from 1 front to another. Sometimes you after sacrifice a little land to win the war. Better to concentrate on totally knocking 1 of your enemies out even if that involves losing some of your kingdom.

Its usually better to retreat than lose all your forces. Only fight battles you can win. Nations that keep there forces alive often end up winning the war.
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