HJFudge said:
Especially undead!
The Behemoths are my favorite. 3 of em in front of my main force taking all the attention and smooshing the little troops is way cool.
Unfortunately in my opinion the cost of the Behemoth is too high. For the price of 2 Behemoths you could also have one spectral mage OR 75 dispossed spirits OR 40+ pale riders OR 40 undead archers which carry those banefire bows!
I would enjoy casting/testing other summoning spells like Behemoth or Ziz... unfortunately the gem/cost ratio makes them a bad investment.
HJFudge said:
Another discovery I have made is that big games with tons of nations take FOREVER for each turn to process!
I've noticed the 'AI Thinking' phase takes the longest for these huge games. I've heard if you temporarily turn off the battlefield graphics the turns process faster... yet I haven't tried it myself.