Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
So one of the departing players predicted EA Oceania was going to win the game. That looks unlikely now.
1. LA Ermor-He has 2 globals up. Well of Misery and Soul Gate.
He has several vassal nations tied to his apron stings. Why the clammers have not dispelled his globals is mind boggling to the Lizards. Especially clammers that are at war with him. heh.
2. LA Ryleh-Does not have nearly as many provinces, but has great great potential.
3. MA Agartha-owns the most provinces, and has the golem cult working for him. Will be a tough out.
4. LA Mictlan-Despite the personal crusade of the Lizards to eradicate Blood Nations, some still thrive. But the Lizards have removed the biggest threat of the Blood Nations from the equation_Lanka. And had a hand in the downfall of EA Mictlan as well. There is only so much the lizards can do.
5. The 3 Pangaeas-It is not coincidence that Pangaea thrives in all 3 versions. High hps, High MR, stealth, blood, earth attacks, forge, goh etc. Though it is doubtful one will emerge the victor.
Notes: Pythium-their very slow out the gate start has crippled what could have been a front runner for the title.
MA Ermor-Could be a viable threat to the crown. Not enough information on them to make an intelligent decision.
There are still a few nations manned by new players that still live because bigger fish have been fighting each other.
I think the Game storms into the endgame after EA Oceania falls. It has been a relatively quiet game for the 1st 80 turns. Look for that to change during the next 40 when the top guns unleash hell upon the world and drive the pretenders into oblivion.
"War is an art and as such is not susceptible of explanation by fixed formula."
- General George Patton Jr.