Ironhawk - you are correct, I was suggesting wraparounds (or things like my 8 gates map, which is not wraparound, but doesnt have corner issues because of gate placement and nostarts)
and you are correct that there arent that many warpped maps now.
Hopefully that will change soon. It's really not hard to make (warpped) maps. I have to think mods are much harder to make and there are so many of those, I'm really surprised to find so few user-made maps. Also, I wonder if someone couldn't start a better database or something for custom maps. I used to play age of wonders a lot, and age of wonders heaven had a really convenient system.
I don't know if this is possible, either for Shrapnel people or just regular folks to put together, but it might encourage more people to make maps if there were a better distribution system. I think many people dont go into the maps/mods forum unless they make maps and mods... meaning most users dont see the maps/mods to download. I know some people are hesitant to use mods, but I cant see why not get maps. I mean, shoot, there could be like a new version or patch for dominions that just added maps.
I'm trying to get my PhD this month, so my mapmaking is out of the question, but I'll try to kick out a few more, "normal" maps once I get back in business.